Current report 9/2020 of 30 January 2020

Receipt of notification on change in Company shareholding in connection with registration at National Court Register of share capital increase through series G share issue

The Management Board of REINO CAPITAL S.A., based in Warsaw, (“Company”) announces that today it received a notification (“Notification”) submitted in order to comply with the obligations listed in art. 69, art. 69a and art. 87 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on public offerings and the terms for introducing financial instruments to an organised trading system and on public companies (i.e. Polish Journal of Laws of 2018 item 512, as amended) and art. 6 §6 of the Act of 15 September 2000 – Commercial Companies Code (Polish Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1577, as amended) from Tomasz Buczak, acting on behalf of Poligo Capital sp. z o.o., based in Poznań, Radosław Świątkowski, Dorota Urszula Latkowska-Diniejko and parties to an agreement on purchase of the Company’s shares dated 30 November 2018 (which had been communicated by the Company in current report 52/2018 of 30 November 2018) regarding a decrease of share in the total number of the Company’s votes in connection with the registration of an increase in the Company’s share capital through issue of series G shares.

The Notification is attached to this report.

Legal basis: Art. 70 point 1 of the Act on public offerings – purchase or sale of major stake